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Client - Maharashtra state credit cooperative federation.


When the tour happened - December 2019


Objective - to visit the credit co-operatives in Nepal, interact with them, understand their work systems, and exchange Ideas also explore the beauty of Nepal.


Number of passengers - 80


Role of Embarkjourneys - Maharashtra Federation gave this responsibility of not only arranging the tour but to looking after even the coordination part with the respective credit co-op in Nepal. Embarkjourneys actively looked after the permission part required for the visits, and also arranged the seminar between the federations of credit co-op of the respective nations. The 6 nights tour was meticulously planned by keeping the objective of the study tour in mind but also making sure the essence of the tourism was not lost.


Highlights -  


  • Credit co-op visits in Nepal (Kathmandu & Pokhara).

  • Credit co-op federation Maharashtra & Credit co-op federation Nepal – Seminar.

  • Stay at Kathmandu & Pokhara.

  • The beauty of the Himalayan Mountains is like the Annapurna ranges.

  • Special flight flying close to all the important peaks on Himalayan Mountain ranges such as Mount Everest.


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